Five Things #116

Every Wednesday I share five things I've liked and think you might like too. Here are this week’s Five Things…

  1. I have a new hobby... Watching art restoration videos on Youtube! Don't knock it before you've watched a few of them. These videos of Julian Baumgartner are a good place to start. The care and skill he puts into his work is incredible. I could watch him work for hours!

  2. I finished reading Hans Rosling's book Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About The World. I'll be adding my recommendation that you read it to that of Bill Gates and Barack Obama. It's a really great book that'll change how you see the world.

  3. Last night I watched Living On One Dollar, a documentary on life below the poverty line in rural Guatemala. I found it moving and humbling. The world is getting better (as Hans Rosling demonstrates in Factfulness) but there is a long way to go. It's crazy that we live in a world where there are people living in mansions whilst others are living in shacks, struggling to survive. The documentary is currently on Netflix (but might not be for much longer).

  4. We all have those things that we want to do but never get around to or start and quickly lose steam — be it running, learning a language, going to the gym... Things that are difficult and take sustained effort. Daniel Gross' advice is to fall in love with that thing you what to do. It's worth a read.

  5. Ólafur Arnalds has a new album!

That's all for this week. If you enjoyed it, subscribe and you'll get the next one delivered to your inbox.