Paradiddle Inversions
As with accented paradiddles, paradiddle inversions are incredibly useful rudiments for grooves, fills and solos.
Once you start combining the paradiddle inversions you'll have a wealth of options for moving around the kit, allowing you to be more creative and original.
A couple of things to remember:
Focus on how you are playing, not how fast you are playing. Speed is a byproduct of good technique, control and being comfortable with what you are playing. The speed will come, so start slow.
Dynamics make all the difference. Loud strokes should be loud and quiet strokes should be quiet!
Okay, with that said here’s how to practice these exercises:
Practice i-iv individually and at a steady speed. If these stickings are new to you ignore the accented strokes at first (the “>” indicates an accent). Once you feel comfortable with the exercises you can add the accents back in.
Next, try switching between the different patterns. For example, play exercise ‘i’ four times before moving straight to ‘ii’ without stopping, then to ‘iii’ etc.
1A - 4C involve different combinations of i with ii-iv. In 1A-C the first beat changes, in 2A-C the second beat changes, etc.
Get creative, combine the paradiddle inversions in new ways, try to apply the concepts from the Accented Paradiddle lesson or use them as grooves.
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