Five Things #238
Split, Croatia - July 2018
This week’s Five Things…
Adam Buxton interviews Kazuo Ishiguro. My new favourite episode of Adam’s podcast.
An AI’s attempt at pickup lines. Picking a favourite is tough but it might be this one: “I love you. I don’t care if you’re a doggo in a trenchcoat.”
I want a Plantyflutesizer!
The Depths Of Wikipedia instagram account is dedicated to highlighting the weirdest and most wonderful parts of Wikipedia. Did you know that “Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo” is a grammatically correct sentence in English?
Nils Frahm has a surprise new/old album. Graz was recorded in 2009 but was released yesterday to mark Piano Day 2021.
That's all for this week. If you enjoyed it, sign up to get the next one delivered straight to your inbox.