Five things #4

Here are the five things I thought were worth sharing this week: 

  1. Austin Kleon shared this great Louis C.K. quote on having an audience in his weekly newsletter (it's very good, I recommend you subscribe). The quote comes from this conversation on The Bill Simmons Podcast. It's a great insight into Louis C.K.'s creative process and ethos. Just a heads up, it does contain some ‘adult’ language!
  2. On Monday I finished reading The Icarus Deception by Seth Godin. The message throughout the book is that in this hyper connected world we all have the opportunity to pick ourselves, to leave our comfort zones and to create something meaningful. I loved it and found it really inspiring. If you are unfamiliar with Seth's work, his blog is an excellent place to start.
  3. Courtney Barnett's ‘Sometimes I Sit And Think, And Sometimes I Just Sit’ was one of my favourite albums from last year. I'm not sure what I love more, the catchy choruses or her witty lyrics. Pedestrian At Best is a fine example of both and has fun video too. 
  4. If you're anything like me and take quite a few photos on your phone, you might like the Pocket Tripod. It's a portable tripod that, as the name suggests, fits in your pocket. I bought one a few weeks ago and it's been really useful.
  5. Earlier this week I wrote a post on my favourite drum books. If you are a drummer, check it out. I'd love to hear your thoughts and recommendations too.

That's all for this week. If you liked this, check out my previous Five Things posts or sign up to receive future posts straight to your inbox. Enjoy!