Five Things #45

Every Wednesday I share five things I liked and think you might like too. Here are this week’s Five Things…

  1. I love this... "Kids draw monsters, then artists from all over the world recreate them in their own styles!" — The Monster Project
  2. A thought for the day from wise man Seth Godin — The smoking lounge
  3. A fascinating read on Why Facts Don't Change Our Minds. It's easy to have strong opinions on complicated issues that are based on very little information. There's nothing wrong with strong opinions, but we have to be willing to change them when presented with new information. 
  4. Whenever I hear someone say "I could care less" in place of "I couldn't care less" a shiver runs down my spine. I don't have many pet peeves, but that's definitely one! Here's Merriam-Webster's attempt to clear up the confusion — Is it 'I Could Care Less' or 'I Couldn't Care Less'?
  5. This week's musical recommendation: St Vincent performing Your Lips Are Red at Austin City Limits in 2014. They know how to put on a show...

That's all for this week. If you enjoyed it, sign up to receive future posts or check out my previous Five Things posts.