Posts tagged brains
Five Things #40

Every Wednesday I share five things I liked and think you might like too. Here are this week’s Five Things…

  1. Nobel winning physicist Richard Feynman's simple formula for learning anything. (If you haven't read it, I highly recommend his book "Surely You're Joking Mr Feynman". It's one of my favourite books. He was a fascinating, brilliant and hilarious guy.)

  2. Our brains are weird and have the unfortunate habit of playing tricks on us. This is a particular problem when it comes to being unbiased and impartial. Our brains are great at highlighting evidence that confirms our beliefs whilst ignoring the evidence that contradicts it. This is called confirmation bias — How to get people to overcome their bias

  3. This is such a clever idea! "Rogue One editor Colin Goudie shares how he made a full-length story reel for director Gareth Edwards from similar scenes from 100s of other movies so that Edwards could work out the pacing for the action and dialogue." — Rogue One’s unique storyboard, remixed from 100s of films

  4. I'm sharing this for no other reason than it made me smile. Even though this Useless Box is clearly useless, part of me wants one...

  5. One of my favourite musical discoveries of 2016 — Nocturne 4 by Ben Lukas Boysen

That’s all for this week. If you enjoyed it, sign up to receive the next Five Things in your inbox.

Five Things #35

Every Wednesday I share five things I liked and think you might like too. Here are this week’s Five Things…

  1. In case you didn't know this already. Our brains are weird. Exhibit A: The movie that doesn’t exist and the Redditors who think it does.
  2. ... Weird, and incredible. Exhibit B: Brain's party noise filter revealed by recordings.
  3. A great interview with Brian Eno. His thoughts on the importance of creativity in education really struck a chord with me.
  4. As 2017 rapidly approaches, it's a good time to pause and reflect on the last year. This Wait But Why post might make you think a little differently about how you spend your time next year.
  5. "We grow out of a lot as we grow up. One of the most unfortunate things we leave behind is a regular dose of change." I love this quote from Jason Fried and his ideas in this article. — Be More Productive. Take Time Off.

That's all for this week. If you enjoyed it, sign up to receive future posts or check out my previous Five Things posts.