Posts tagged wait but why
Five Things #35

Every Wednesday I share five things I liked and think you might like too. Here are this week’s Five Things…

  1. In case you didn't know this already. Our brains are weird. Exhibit A: The movie that doesn’t exist and the Redditors who think it does.
  2. ... Weird, and incredible. Exhibit B: Brain's party noise filter revealed by recordings.
  3. A great interview with Brian Eno. His thoughts on the importance of creativity in education really struck a chord with me.
  4. As 2017 rapidly approaches, it's a good time to pause and reflect on the last year. This Wait But Why post might make you think a little differently about how you spend your time next year.
  5. "We grow out of a lot as we grow up. One of the most unfortunate things we leave behind is a regular dose of change." I love this quote from Jason Fried and his ideas in this article. — Be More Productive. Take Time Off.

That's all for this week. If you enjoyed it, sign up to receive future posts or check out my previous Five Things posts.

Five things #27

Every Wednesday I share five things I liked and think you might like too. Here are this week’s five things…

  1. Note To Self is one of my new favourite podcasts. It's a technology podcast focused on "being human" in the digital age. Their two most recent podcasts Mindfulness on Demand and Come and Sit with Marina Abramović were great.
  2. Talking of being human, watch this... Can We Auto-Correct Humanity? (3m 27s). It might make your day a little better.
  3. Everyone likes being comfortable, but it's not always what's best for us — The Healthy Uncomfortable.
  4. You might not have heard of the term McMansion, but you've probably seen one. A recent episode of 99 Percent Invisible did a great job explaining what makes them so terrible. I don't think I'll be able to look at certain buildings in the same way again. For a more in depth (and hilariously snarky) look at these monstrosities check out the blog McMansion Hell.
  5. On reading a couple of Wait But Why posts earlier this week, I was reminded of a great Anne Dillard quote... "How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives". The posts in question, Your Life in Weeks and 100 Blocks a Day, reimagine life and time as a series of blocks, and ask the simple question: How do you use your blocks?

That's all for this week. If you liked this, check out my previous Five Things posts or sign up to receive future posts in your inbox.

Five things #11

Here are the five things I thought were worth sharing this week: 

  1. An interesting read on the benefits of silence — This Is Your Brain on Silence
  2. Fantastic podcast by Invisibilia on how our frame of reference shapes how we perceive the world — "Alix Spiegel and Hanna Rosin interview a woman who gets a glimpse of what she's been missing all her life – and then loses it."
  3. Are you a procrastinator? If yes, go check out Wait But Why's great series on procrastination. Do it now... Future You will thank Present You for it! Here's the first post.
  4. This album by Rival Consoles was one of my favourite releases of 2015. I hadn't listened to it ages until yesterday!
  5. One of my favourite musicians Ólafur Arnalds is doing this awesome project — "Over seven weeks, he's travelling to seven different locations in his native Iceland to record and release a series of new compositions. At every location he's collaborating with a local artist or group to create and perform a new song which is then released each Monday."

That's all for this week. If you liked this, check out my previous Five Things posts or sign up to receive future posts straight to your inbox. Enjoy!